Tuesday, November 23, 2010

sometime ago

This photo was taken this past summer in florida. In the picture I wore twist front Dior black sheath dress, Giuseppi Zanotti pumps, Marni ruffle multi colors sequin collar. This piece looks cool in person, but has got to be the hardest piece to wear. I guess I am just not cool enough to sport this type of style. I tried to search for different ideas on how to wear it, but I just can't find anything. I guess, I will have to dedicate one day to try it on with all different tops and dresses to see what goes best with it


  1. I love sequin.
    Anyway, I'll go look for shoes this friday for us.

  2. Thanks for reading my blog yesterday. I truly love hearing what other people think of my style sense, especially women. I appreciate the kind words, too.

    Spent 15-20 minutes reading thru old postings on your blog. LOVE your style. LOVE your leather skirts. You look very chic when you wear them. Sophisticated.

    By the way, feel free to use the same blog name... I hate jeans so help me spread the word! So few people look good in them and they are never appropriate at work in my opinion.

    Oh, my wife doesn't know I blog either but then I just started a few weeks ago. I don't think she would understand either.

    Following you now. Come follow me. http://idontwearjeans.blogspot.com/
